Directed by Justin Chadwick
Starring Eric Bana, Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson
Let's face it, I'm a sucker for historical flicks, especially well made one. But not every piece concerning some dysfunctional historical bozo comes out classic, take for example the shiny-but-not-quite Elizabeth: The Golden Age. But this one is different. You've got Bana as King Henry VIII and the two incredibly sexy leads as Anne and Mary Boleyn, two girls vying for his affection. All three are more than competent actors, in fact they're all great and very easy on the eyes. Then add into the mix writer Peter Morgan who churned out both The Queen and The Last King of Scotland last year and you've got a historical movie that makes me drool just by thinking about it (I swear it's not the girls, I swear.)
Directed by Paul Weitz
Starring Nicole Kidman, Daniel Graig, Eva Green and Dakota Blue Richards
I'll be honest here, I'm still really skeptical on The Golden Compass. The first trailer managed to woo some magic into me, but the fact that they had to bank on The Lord of the Rings Trilogy's success for advertising did not seem to bode well, either that or New Line is really crummy. And while the footages do boast some excellent scenes, I still can't shake off the feeling that it might not go the distance still. Add the fact that this film is helmed by the director of American Pie and I've got myself a really confused opinion. Yet, I've managed to shake off my misgivings until I actually see the movie, and it even manages to get into my list. With a cast like Kidman, Craig, Green, Elliot, Lee and the voice of good old Ian Mckellen, there seemed to be no way this movie was going to pass by me unwatched. Oh, and the book's terrific. Cross your fingers that this one will be too.
Directed by Francis Ford Coppolla
Starring Tim Roth, Alexandria Maria Lara
Do you really need a reason to see this film? Oh wait, I'll give you ten good reasons why this film has to be seen. NUMBER ONE : It's Francis Ford Copolla's first film in ten years. NUMBER TWO - TEN: See number one. Initial reviews may be skeptic, it isn't a new Godfather by any chance. But at the very least, I'm not passing up the chance to see the return of one of history's greatest directors of all time, whether it comes in with a large bang or the faintest, but sweetest, of a whisper.
Directed by Andrew Adamson
Starring Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes, Willam Mosley
I may not have thought that the first film was a glorious film, but it was solid nonetheless. Now we've got the sequel coming up and the entire gang's returning for more. That means more lion fights, more earth-shaking battles, more warring teenagers and of course more talking beavers (don't ever forget the beavers!). And dare I say that this is the start of another trilogy? If this is not in your list, then it's your lost.
Directed by Jon Favreau
Starring Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Terrence Howard
Iron Man finally made it to the big screen, good for you, Stark. And while his comic counterpart is a tyrannic bastard these days, the good old classic Tony is still throbbing with life in this film. If you haven't seen the teaser then you don't know how much of the sleek cool you're missing. We've got the classic armor and the modern one, take into account a whole lot of awesome and this movie's just waiting the blow the scenes. Plus, Downey over Cruise any day. (sorry, Tom, you ain't Stark).
Directed by Ridley Scott
Starring Denzel Washington, Russel Crowe
We've got legendary Ridley Scott in the director's chair. We've got two great actors that just fit into their roles like Santa to his red jingle hat. And we've got gangsters, lots and lots of gangsters. Oh yeah... bring on the pain. Based on the true story of mob boss Frank Lucas, this film just screams silver screen magic. And while not everyone may be up to this kind of movie, it's definitely right up my deep, dark alley. Now hand me that shotgun, we've got work to do.
Directed by Rob Reiner
Starring Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman
We have good old Jackie and Morgan Freeman himself as two dying men looking for that last kick in life. The chance to see these two hit it off is worth the admission's price alone. And while Rob Reiner has been hitting misses recently, let's not forget When Harry Met Sally, A Few Good Men and Misery. This guy's good, and this film looks to bring him back on his feet. After seeing the trailer, I've already forgotten Rumor Has It and Alex & Emma. This film is a must-see, and the heart-string puller of the year. Ready your tissues, gentleman, and let loose those tear ducts.
Directed by Tim Burton
Starring Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter
We've got Tim Burton and Depp in yet another twisted, macabre movie. So, what else is new? P.S. It's a musical. HOLY F***!!! Well, that was a twist. Based on the broadway musical about a man bent on revenge by slitting the throats of all his barber shop customers, this movie just screams to be watched... well, maybe it's screaming due to other reasons too. This film probably threatens to vie with The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford for longest title ever, plus, check out that funky hair Depp is sporting. If you've seen the trailer, rest assured this film yet again proves why Depp should be given an Oscar, and fast! And if you haven't seen it, well what the hell are you standing around for? Go, Bleeders, go!
Directed by Steven Spielberg
Starring Harrison Ford, Shia LaBeouf, Cate Blanchett
Let me just say this one thing, Even Stevens dude has GOT to be the world's luckiest guy. After sharing a kiss with Megan Fox in Transformers, he's down with Steven himself in the long overdue chapter to the Indiana Jones series. Harrison's hair is now gray, he has a son, Sean Connery is nowhere to be seen, Russian troops are hunting them down instead of Nazis and Steven still insists on using old fashioned film. This movie may be old fashioned, but the Jones magic has always been classic, and I cannot express how much I've awaited the return of this movie and good old Dr. Jones. Welcome back, and lots and lots of snakes to all.
Directed by Christopher Nolan
Starring Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman
I admit this topping the list is partly out of bias. But can you blame me? Batman Begins was spot on the best incarnation of the character ever, and almost every cast was spot on. Now we bring everyone back, minus Katie Holmes (thank you, Lord!) for what seems to be a bigger, darker take on The Dark Knight. If the fact that the word Batman is nowhere near the title for once hasn't caught your attention, maybe the new Joker will. With the help of countless ingenious viral marketing campaign, Heath Ledger is more and more likely to becoming THE Joker adaptation to beat (yes, that includes Jack Nicholson and Mark Hamil). Just take a look at the picture here and dare tell me it doesn't shivers up your spine. And if that fails, just watch the teaser. I've always been waiting for this movie, but with what they've given us so far, it's apparent this is THE superhero movie to beat. And yes, Batman can kick the crap out of Superman anyday.... without kryptonite.