It's the end of the year, again. Time flies so fast and already we're at the end of the worl- i mean another year of grand films to mark the grandeur that is film making. Already, awards season is under way and so I've decided to make my own hit list of movies that went above adn beyond the call of the wild this year.
Speed Racer

Say all you want- hate it or love it, Speed Racer dared to be unique. Sure the candy-colored swirling vortexes of doom on the screen probably caused worldwide children epilepsy, but at least they had the seizures with a smile on their face. The Wachowski Brothers have fallen quite far since their Matrix days. In fact, their Matrix days did the pushing, and this movie showed just how out-of-grace they are. It was a box-office flop, one of the worst financial bombs of the year, considering it took some money making. It may have not been a great movie, hell it probably was bordering on decent, but the visual style was over the edge, ambitious and had more spunk to it than all those other underacheiving crap we'll see from any other anime adaptations (cough Dragonball cough). Add the fact that I did actually fairly enjoy aspects of it and I have to say that this quirky film is probably the most underappreciated of the year.
The Bank Job

This baby was nearly chosen, mostly because it was a far better movie than Speed Racer and it wasn't much known elswhere. But I have to admit that it did pretty well in UK and reviews do give it a lot of love, so in the case of underappreciation, Speed Racer still beats it.

This one was a real toughie, mostly because two uber-hyped movies that caused people to go *squale* easily fell into this category. Both lacked actual quality that deserves such fandom, and both are phenomenons in their own right. But in the end, you just can't do worse than vampires who haven't gotten some love action for several centuries. In terms of overrated, this one beats them all. Fans nearly crushed star Robert Patkinson while he was out groccery shopping, and the film wasn't even showing yet! On a normal day, I'd envy his ability to have girls want to rip his body apart and slather it with affection. But this is an abnormal day, and I... still envy him. Hey what can I say? I'm desperate.
Still, have all the swooning fangirls demanding you watch the film, the annoying squaling in the cinema house whenever the male bastard shows up on screen and the constant obsessions with all things Twilight from the sold-out soundtrack to the posters every straight girl seems to dead bent on getting their picture taken with.
Take all that into account and realize this: the movie sucks. How much more overrated can you get?
High School Musical 3

Another sure contendor in the much abused-by-fans-but-not-really-worth-it category. But at the very least it featured nice dances and songs, plus it made a lot of children all over the world get the craving for a musical performance. Not much movies can claim that these days. So yah, it has it's merits.
Quantum of Solace

I really really REALLY feel bad about putting Bond under this category. Not because I was not disappointed, because I really was, but because it actually was a very good action movie. But it had let me down on almost all aspects. Sure the action scenes were cranked up a notch, but they tried to mimick Bourne so much that I could barely tell what was going on, that and the constant action scense made me numb. Action scenes are fine, but give the audience's eyes time to relax! In comparisson, Casino Royale's action was smooth, graceful and heart-stopping. Give me that over James Bourne any day. In addition, Daniel Craig was sorely underused. It's a big waste of talent as he had made James Bond so emphatically human in the first film and here he jsut seems like an empty shell. He is still brilliant by the way, and he has many great moments. But there could have been so much more.
Again, I really hate having to put this movie here, because it's actually pretty good. So you'll see me compensate this movie in a better category later on.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skulls

CGI monkeys? Alien skulls? Nuclear refrigerators?? What the hell was George Lucas thinking!? (I'm saying Lucas because there's now way in hell Spielberg thought these up). Alright, the movie isn't bad, in fact it's very good, and like Quantum it's a shame to put it here. But facts are facts and judging the talent involved I would have liked more Indy with my soup. Nonetheless, it's for me better than Temple of Doom and still worthy enough to be said in the same breadth as the other titles. I'm still willing to accept the fact that although they nuked the fridge, it didn't quite kill the series. Not yet at least for me.
The Dark Knight

This movie featured a slew of great trailers, here and far. But no other trailer made me drool more than The Dark Knight. With the intense viral marketing campaign, the sets of trailers featured by the film was just pitch perfect. First a naughty little tease with Joker's voice making a lethal promise to kill people. Then a first look, with brief glances at the late Ledger in make-up and oh was it beautiful. The lines he spewed were just spine-chilling, added with an amazing score by Hans Zimmer and amazing editing, no other trailer this year made me scream in desperation than the ones featured by this film right here.
The Watchmen

It's not showing just yet, but the first trailer of this film was just amazing. There were barely any words, but the images shown were iconic, amazing and filled with nostalgia. Rorsharch showed how kick-ass he really is, finally. Oh and Smashing Pumpkins for the music? GENIUS!!!!
The Spirit

I have to admit, the posters could be pretty cool. They would have made pretty cool posters for Sin City. But the trailer? It looks like some cheap porno with a clueless dude getting hit on by a vareiety of ridiculously sex-obssessed women. That and crazy Samuel Jackson obssessed with the number 8. To think that the original comic was made by Will Eisner, the man who helped create Disney. It was clean, fun and adventurous. One look at this trailer and you just know his body just banged its head on the nails of its coffin.
Meet Dave

Really now, one look at this trailer and interest is just flushed down the toilet. It's not really the trailer's fault, seeing as no trailer could ever make a movie like that look good.
The Dark Knight

Again? Well yah, before you cry afoul, you have to admit that that sweet poster up there is simply one of the best in recent memory. It's simple, its nothing flashy. No big names, no nothing. But one look at it, and you know, you just know that deep down in your heart, your blood cells just curled up and died. Yes, it's that good. The Dark Knight provided the best viral campaign... EVAH!!! That includes trailers, events, website and, yest, even posters.
Burn After Reading

Really now, this retro style is no longer widley used, butBurn After Reading really showed them that the retro styl is still a force to be reckoned with. I loved this poster the moment I saw it, and a little flaunting off of big names doesn't hurt either.
In this category I'm giving 5 because I just couldn't decide which one was crappier

Iew. I mean, just... iew!!!! That girl is disgusting! I pity the poor acme-troubled girl standing behind that bitch.

As if Nicholas Cage's hair wasn't bad enough, this poster is just anatomically dumbfounding. What, is his right hand dislocated or something? That angle is friggin impossible. Oh and yah, is he actually scratching his armpit!?

Jared Leto. I mean, props to him for doing this to himself for the movie, but flaunting just how... uhm... far he went does nothing for me to want to see this movie. Like yah.. iew. (Jean's gonna kill me for this)

Watch out! E.T.'s gone rouge and is conquering the world one prank call at a time! I mean really, wadahek were they thinking!?

When I first saw this poster in the papers, I thought it was some lousy photoshop add-on the locals tend to do in barbarically ripping off movies to make them look more "appealing". Then I realized this was actually the original poster. Jeez man, Photoshop 101 people!!!

Robert Downey Jr.
This is perhaps one of the biggest comebacks of the modern era, and no other actor deserves it more. He is brilliant in every role he plays and now he's back with a vengeance. Starring in Iron Man and Tropic Thunder (also the Violinist excpet it was moved), he is all of a sudden the most bankable star around. Then he gets a gig as both Sherlock Holmes and Hugh Hefner. I am suddenly very very excited in everything with this man's name on it. It's his year, everyone else is just background noise.
Heath Ledger

While Downey was the most inspirational comeback story this year, Ledger is the most tragic. An accidental overdose the same year he gives the performance of his career, a role that redefined the modern villain. Poor Ledger. He will be missed.
Angelina Jolie

She kicked considerable ass in Wanted, but that wasn't enough. She also voiced a butt kicking tiger in Kung Fu Panda. She then starred in Changeling, directed by the venerable Clint Eastwood himself. It's a turn that has gotten her Best Actress nominations in both the SAG and Golden Globes. But I suppose it's her actions off-screen that deserves the most praise. After adopting her like 100th child, she and hunka hubby Brad Pitt actually let lose their first blood child. And she shows no sign of stopping. Add the fact that she is constantly off in Africa somewhere helping Billy out of the well and performing miracles with her incredibly pouty lips, she gets top spot for simply having a heart of gold.
Tina Fey

She's more of a TV personality than that of movies. And considering the star power I was thinking of for the top spot (Miley Cyrus, Anne Hathaway, Amy Adams, Merryl Streep, Megan Fox), it's a surprise she got so close to the top. And there's only one reason for this: Sarah Palin. What other star can be credited in helping a man win the election. Obama would probably have won without her, but Palin's interpretation of what was once the untouchable Sarah Palin made everyone think of the real deal as Snowman Bimbo. McCain was once leading because of Palin. But after Fey did a couple of amazing spoofs of the candidate, Palin would never ever recover. And Tina Fey did it by simply using exactly what Palin said during her interviews.
Despite the movie’s many flaws, one has to admit it is still one of the most solid Bond movie in recent history, that and despite its overdose of Bournesque action, you can’t help but be amazed by the amazing action sequences put in display before you. Sure you can’t always tell what’s going on, but it keeps the story at brisk break-neck speed. That and it still manages to maintain a heart as the film does keep in line with the tone of the new franchise. In the end, it does leave me wanting for more Bond.

Wanted left me perplexed. The scenes were highly stylized, very enjoyable and downright kick-ass. The story, however, seemed poorly executed in comparison and as a result, some of the actions do seem a bit over the top. I used to love the Goodbye bullet scene by Jolie in the trailer, but when I finally saw what the scene was, well WTFetuccini!?

I dare you to claim otherwise. Come on, I double dare you. This film is amazing, and easily one of my favorite Pixar movies. The fact that I can't even decide which one is my favorite says a lot. This movie is a sad song about the fall of humans, and the beam of hope and pure goodness that can come out of the sorrow, and it's a kid's movie! That's what sets Pixar films apart from the rest. They take a normally kid's subject (talking rats, superheroes, eccentric racecars, monsters in your closets) and add layers upon layers of depth to it. They never insult your intelligence and instead dares the smartest among the audience to actually think. As long as Pixar makes movies every year, there is no question that their movies will dominate the annual Best Animated category. Next year's UP is looking to do quite the same.

While it may not have the same heart, the same gorgeous graphics, the same lovable characters, the same- ah what the heck. The biggest flaw of Kung Fu Panda? It isn't Pixar. Pixar set the bar so high that even this immensley enjoyable film pales in comparisson. And it's a shame. I really love this movie. The characters are lovable, the action pretty cool and the graphics are probably the best non Pixar animations I've seen. But that's just the problem, it just...isn't... Pixar.

The moment I saw Tobey MacGuire squeeze Downey's rosaries in the early scenes, I knew I won't be able to stop laughing. This movie is an over-the-top sattire of all over-the-top films of Hollywood. Yes, it makes fun of movies like itself. With amazing turns by both Downey and guest actor Tom Cruise (both of which got a Golden Globe nod), this movie is constantly funny, intrusive, rude, violent and just plain brilliant.

A brilliant movie about one simplet thing. Stupidity. There just isn't any other way of describing the Coen Brothers' follow-up to their Oscar-winning No Country for Old Men. While not everyone may appreciate the humor of this film, it's a pretty good one nontheless.

There have been a handful of pretty good romance films. Revolutionary Road, Slumdog Millionaire and a couple more. Unfortunately I havent seen any of these films yet. But that doesn't really matter seeing that Wall-e is for me the break-away king of romances this year. The ending had me practically crying, the emotions were pitch perfect. Take note there was no kissing, mo snuggling, just an awkward holding of robotic hands. The greatest Romance movie of the year came in the form of two inanimate robots whose voices were manufactured using a computer. Andit was beautiful
Any of the movies I had mentioned above but can't really put here because, well I haven't seen them yet. I thought of putting Twilight, but I just can't rationalize putting in runner-up a romance movie that did absolutely nothing for me (god am I gonna get beaten up by fan-girls in the morning).

It broke all expectations, except the fact that it really isn't all that good. But in a year that lacked any Chicago like entries, or even the Chicago wannabes (Dreamgirls), one canforgive Mama Mia for its shortcomings in direction, editing, and even grotesque singing from its lead male (I guess James Bond never serenaded any of his girls). It was an ejoyable romp, especially for those of yesteryears. Besides, the alternative would have been High School Musical 3, and that, if anything else, is reason enough.

I guess I can't escape this one. Seeing as there, were sparingly few, if any, contendors for this category. Still, it's not without merit. Silly storylines, obnoxious acting and the white of Vanessa Anne Hudgen's white panties seen behind her many, many, many, many miniskirts can be forgiven, if only for the groovy choreography and quite nice songs. Had it been a better made movie, I would have easily found High School Musical a classic. But for now, it's yet another overhyped pop culture phenomenon. But like all phenomenons, there is reason behind the fanbase. And that's enough for the spot.

Downey took the world by storm with his Iron Man portrayal. And while Dark Knight stole the show later on as the superhero movie of the year, Iron Man came first and opened the summer with a bang. It just wouldn't feel right if I didn't give credit to this film. It did a lot of things right, and showed the right way to make a superhero movie. You get a great directo, a great script, a great actor, and you should actually care that the fanboys give a damn. And give a damn they did.

I love Hellboy. And if there was ever a guy who could pat down the style perfectly, it's Guillermo del Toro. He did Pan's Labyrynth, which I loved, and has a unique style that just screams fantasy genius. Just looking at the sketched he made for this movie, you could stare at it for hours. This movie is the perfect prelude at just what kind of style he'll be bringing in to The Hobbit now that Jackson's tapped him as his successor. In my opinion, it was an inspired choice, and Hellboy 2 shows why.

Really, to anyone who knows me, was there truly any doubt? This movie broke all conventions on what a superhero comic movie or a summer blockbuster was supposed to be. It was smart, dangerous and thrilling. It was a deep look into the human psyche and the nature of crime. It was a study of order and of anarchy, a taste of psychological madness. And it did this while putting up some of the best action sequences in years. Add the fact that the entire cast was pitch perfect in portrayal, now with Holmes out of the way. And let's not even get too much into Ledger's Joker, who is by far one of the most memorable and astounding on screen villains of all time. OF ALL TIME. Maybe I'm just too blinded by fanboy rage to see the flaws in a pick like this, but I'm not the only one. While early on I was optimistic about a Best Supporting nomination for Heath, it seems even I have underestimated the effect the film has. Not only does it seem that Heath will be getting that nomination, it's general consensus that he is the shoo-in winner. Not only that, the whispers have become a growing murmur of buzz in the crowd. With the PGA, AFI and BCA all agreeing, The Dark Knight is now a serious contender for Best Picture. Even I never expected that much. Even if it doesn't get it, this will the be the film that will finally transcend the genre border for superhero movies, and maybe even for all blockbusters.

There were the naysayers at first. They said, how in the world can Pixar make a good movie out of two characters that can't speak. Then there were the talks that they were mixing live action actors in the mix. Nobod really knew the story, and even die-hard Pixar fans were raising eyebrows. I for one, never bothered to break a sweat. And when the synopsis of the film came out, I knew my trust in all that is Pixar is well-deserved. Not only is this a film that transcends borders in animation industry, it once again proves that Pixar is the animation king. Their films are ingenious, smart, beautiful, heart-warming, charming, cute, hilarious and incredibly complex. I'd go on to say more but I'll have to get a thesaurus to find all possible compliments I can give this film. If it weren't for the gigantic monster that is Dark Knight, this movie would have easily made my top spot.
So there you have it. Over the course of the month, since not much films are indeed coming out, I'll be focusing on a couple of things. First wrapping up 2008 some more with some less important stuff like posters, songs, scores and trailers. Then there's the Oscar Buzz and soon I'll give my two scents on who I think will make the cut. Then of course there is my obsession on watching all the movies nominated for Best Picture, and you can bet your benjamin buttons I'll be reviewing those films. Well that's all for now, till next time!
By the way, answer my poll on what movie you think was the best of the year.
Go on, don't be shy! It's right over there on the upper right.