So here it is, my top ten most anticipated films of the summer
10. Monster v.s. Aliens

Directed by Rob Letterman and Conrad Vernon
Starring Reese Witherspoon, Seth Rogen and Hugh Laurie
Release Date: March 26, 2009
While Kung Fu Panda last year was Dreamwork's little gem that took everyone by surprise, they attempt this year to recreate that success with not one, but two movie. The first is Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. That film, however, is edged out of this list mainly because of two things. 1.) It's overdone dog-heap and 2.) Dreamwork's other film is a far funnier and refreshing film. At least that's what it looks like for now. With a very straightforward concept of Aliens and Monsters kicking each other's butts, the trailers were both ammusing and promising. In fact it is similar in terms of hype with that of Kung Fu Panda, with a great voice cast to match (Dr. House as a Cockroach? Genius!), the mere fact that Kung Fu Panda made it much higher on my list last year than this film does this year is just a stiff reminder of just how stiff the competition is. I beg you people, forget Scratt and those prehistoric numbskulls, their living out their welcome. Instead, watch this, and convince Dreamworks to follow their current trend, which revolves around the simple idea that concept trumps colorful drawings.
9. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Directed by David Yates
Starring Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint
Release Date: July 17, 2009
This is another film that, under a more boring summer, would usually pop out in the upper echelon of my list. Instead it takes a bit of a backseat. Don't let that fool you though. While I was never an all out fan of the movie series, I'm not blind as not to notice a considerable improvement with the series. Each film certainly has its flaws, no question about that, but I've come to believe that as the series sinks deeper into mature, adult territory as the book series has done, it also becomes wildly intruiging in both concept and execution. The book series was glorious fun the first half, style over subtstance over the middle, and dangerously dark, grim and tragic in the final chapters. The film series is following this trend, which gives rise to the idea that its success may depend on whatever book its based on, and if that's the fact, then we're in for a twisted treat. I've always thought that while The Half-Blood Prince was very lacking in action, it more than made up for it with one of the most shockingly grim storyline in the series. I yearn to finally see Harry step into adulthood in the film, and hope dearly that they get it right.
8. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Directed by Michael Bay
Starring Shia LeBeouf, Megean Fox
Release Date: June 24, 2009
Transformers is one of those sure fire hits that no one shouuld ever underestimate. Sure, you can go right ahead and overestimate, its easy to do with the substance-devoid series, but you have to understand its mass appeal. But that's easy to do, incredibly easy, actually. In fact, you can sum it all up into three basic foundations of success for transformers. The three B's: Bots, Babes and Booms. Hey, who wouldn't watch a film ridiculed with the biggest explosions and dizzying action possible onscreen, done so by a variety of shape-shifting giant robots. All the while Megean Fox runs around flaunting her ass--ets... You know what I mean. This coming after the fact that she had just finally broken up with her boyfriend (whose name she tattoed on her vagina. Whoa, will that be awkward for her eventual husband/life partner). Still, it's got all the ingridients for a brainless blast. So if there's any of you out there who are looking for the big no-brainer, here you are. Personally, I'm happy this is the only no-brainer in the list. We will always need a no-brainer blockbuster, but really, we only need one. Transformers is the man for the job.
7. The Soloist

Directed by Joe Wright
Starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jamie Foxx
Release Date: April 24, 2009
There really is only one reason this film ranks higher than the previous three-sure-fire hits. Robert Downey Jr. He's the hottest star out there right now, yes, hotter than Johnny Depp. He's the comeback kid, and both his films last year were huge hits. I'm not so sure that The Soloist will be the same, at least financially. But at the very least, it's a perfect opportunity for Robert to flex his drama chops with this guy buddy drama that once again highlights the crucial fact that the guy loves himself black bff's. Still, both are great actors, and this coming from the director of Atonement, well we're in for a real treat. It may not be your cup of tea, in fact it might not even be mine. But seeing as this is the first Robert Downey film at least until his Sherlock Holmes role later this year, we might as well take whatever we can get from the guy. He's a virtual goldmine right now.
6. X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Directed by Gavin Hood
Starring Hugh Jackman
Release Date: May 1, 2009
My inner fanboy is giving my inner cynic a good kick in the ass right now. I mean, c'mon! Wolverine standing at only number 6? But that's just the way it goes folks, and there's only one to blame for the low standing- Marvel. There has been horrid talks over the last few months that the producers have been making demands on director Gavin Hood, and that there have been many arguments due to the insistent creative limitations being imposed. I suppose they want a big bang bullet-riddled bonanza while Hood wants a more story-lined approach. Whatver the case, it's stupid that they limit the talented Hood like that, and reports are saying the movie is worse off because of it. Don't let that get you too down, however. Producer intervention or not, Gavin Hood is a very capable director while Hugh Jackman is one talented SOB. Both have expressed their utmost desire to make this movie the best it can be. Add in a slew of new mutants from Blob, Deadpool, Silver Fox and the ever elusive Gambit, and we have here the Marvel film of the year.
5. Public Enemies

Directed by Michael Mann
Starring Johnny Depp and Christian Bale
Release Date: July 1, 2009
First off, who wouldn't want to see Captain Jack Sparrow square off with Batman. It's been a while since we've had any gangster films. Sure there were some mob films, but as in Al Capone style gangster flicks? It's been a while. And finally, Hollywood's seen the gap, and they're making up for it in a big way. First they get genius director Michael Mann (Heat, Collateral) whose film was Nolan's inspiration for Dark Knight. Then you get the two huge stars, both of which are talented actors in their own right. It's hard to get a better formula for success than that. Sure it isn't as big-named as others on this list, but mark my words this is probably one of the few sure-fire great films of the list.
4. Terminator Salvation

Directed by McG
Starring Christian Bale and Sam Worthington
Release Date: May 21, 2009
When I heard that the man who directed Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle was doing the new Terminator movie, I thought for sure the series was doomed. I mean, part three was horrible, but at least it tried as much to get back the old magic. I was expecting pure crap. But then the news that Christian Bale came out. Then I my interes was piqued. Then the artworks came out, along with that god-awesome mobile poster. Then came the Comic-on in which McG actually made sense in how he described the film’s storyline. It was becoming increasingly clear that they were taking this one seriously. Then the trailer arrived, and lest we beheld a dark future for the universe. It’s by no means a sure hit or a guaranteed quality movie, but so far it’s been looking better and better to the point that I’m actually excited enough to place this film this high up the board. Bravo, McG. Bravo.
3. Up

Directed by Pete Docter and Bob Peterson
Starring Edward Asner and Jordan Nagai
Release Date: May 29, 2009
Whenever Pixar decides to unleash one of its films, there is absolutely no reason not to trust them. If they announce that their next movie centers around a sterile homophobic frog trying to assassinate Paris Hilton, then you can be assured a genius film. Here we have yet another feel-good classic in the making, and all signs point to Pixar domination for years on to come. The competition doesn’t even come close, and these creative bastards seem to have a hidden warehouse filled with brilliant ideas. These guys have a mission, to weave beautiful, heart-warming stories that universally breathes life into our dull, dreary life. Damn those fascist animators!
2. Star Trek

Directed by J.J. Abrams
Starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Eric Bana and Simon Pegg
Release Date: May 8, 2009
Normally, Pixar takes this spot, or maybe even the top, but I’ve decided to put this film right on top mainly because of one thing:intrigue. I know what to expect from Pixar –genius. But this film is highly volatile in the way that you’re not exactly sure what they have in store for you, but all signs point to just damn awesome. Take note, this isn’t your Dad’s Star Trek. Nor is it the same Star Trek that have been with us for decades. Sure it features the same characters (albeit with younger actors) of the original series, but one look from the trailer and you know that J.J. Abrams is on a mission to make it cool once again to be a Trekie, especially in this generation. After watching the original series, I have to say I’m psyched beyond compare to finally see this film and see what exactly they have in store for us. Stardate out.
1. Watchmen

Directed by Zack Snyder
Starring Jackie Earl Haley, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Malin Akerman
Release Date: March 6, 2009
If there’s one film that defied the impossible, it’s Watchmen. When first released, the comic, dubbed the greatest one ever made, was called unfilmable. And for decades it was. Then 300's Zack Snyder came along and brought it up, unrelenting, uncompromising, and smartly as close to the novel as possible. The trailers are amazing, and if there is any successor in Dark Knight's mantle for a comic movie that pushed the boundaries of the genre, it's this. That also makes it unimissable. So grab the comic, watch the film and enjoy the graphic bonanza.