Monday, January 29, 2007

Sunday, January 28, 2007
Babel Review

I watched Babel today. After doing so I decided to put up my very first Movie Review for this brand new blog of mine. So here it goes.
First of all about Babel. I actually am quite fond of the title, very significant in the overall plot. The movie is the third in a trilogy by Alejandro Innaritu, following both Ammore Perros and 21 Grams. The story is about miscommunication, as judged from the title, and revolves around three stories set in Morroco, Mexico and Japan. In Morroco, two boys play with a rifle and accidentally shoot a tourist bus, wounding a woman and enraging America in what is called a "terrorist attack". In Mexico a nanny, determined to attend her son's wedding, brings two children over the U.S. border. And finally in Japan a deaf-mute girl struggles with life and its deformities.
Now I can't help but compare this to last year's Crash, mostly because both use the same method of storytelling, individual storied coincidentally connected by some common link. One thing I found dissapointing in Babel was that, unlike Crash, it's stories were predictable and thus somewhat normal. Innaritu is charged with telling a stoy filled with meaning and a message, but it kind of loses its power if you already knew what was in a letter before it was handed to you, regardless of the content. That is to say, despite it's somewhat predictable storyline, Babel was good where it counts, on the themes of these stories. The use of a deaf-mute girl, the terrorist fear of America and the woes of immigrants and illegal foreign workers al help add to the main theme, miscommunication, and as tthe story moves along, it has a solid writing that keeps the film stuck to its original purpose.
Another problem of the story is this: while all three stories were excellent in their own way, no doubt, I found the Japan piece to be somewhat weakly linked, I hesitate to say unimportant as it IS important in developing the idea of miscommunication, but it seemes to have nearly no connection to the other two storylines. And when the link between them is revealed it stand only for a few minutes before it is completely forgotten. Unlike Crash, Babel seems more intent on speaking three different stories about the same thing rather than one whole story in three different things. I don't know about others but I find the latter more effective.
The directing by Innaritu was superb, the styles varied in each location and the methods he used to bring the message across where unique in their own ways. But it wasn't perfect. I found that Innaritu seemed to have shown a lot of diversity and richness in Mexico, somewhere I'm sure he is more familiar to, yet it is more weakened in Morroco and almost non-existent in Japan. That is to say that his pacing was nothing incredible as well. Although he manages to get points across, they do so without full impact. He underlies several hints and supporting accounts but the main characters themselves seem to contradict the theme with their own stupidity. Look I know about human nature and all, but at some parts I couln't help wondering how the characters seem at times to be so dumb. It kind of destroys the mood. Make no mistake, Innaritu packs a punch, but in this film, it's more like a whole lot of weak smaller punches than one powerful knock-out. And for a film that depends on the success of the combined strenght of three great stories, getting a knock-out should be the main goal.
The acting was great, emotions were everywhere and I was impressed even by Brad Pitt. Dakota Fanning's younger sister seems to be getting some of her sister's acting chops. Although there were only a few actors (Rinko Kikuichi and Adrian Brianza in particular) deserves to be noted for the big awards, the overall cast is solid competition for SAG's Best Ensemble Cast award. Their acting wasn't only good, it was very, very good, it's as simple as that.
The score was fitting, and great when it needed to be but wasn't and when it didn't have to be. There is a difference between not being great when there is no need to be and not being great when it shouldn't be. In that aspect, I found it solid but not fantastic, but of course that goes more on the techincal side. Editing seems to replay the same style as the previous films, although I have to say it was cleaner here thanit was in 21 Grams. At the very least I had no problems understanding the pace.
On a different note I founs something very infuriating about the entire ecpirience. It has nothing to do about the film but rather on the MTCRB. They rated the film as PG-13. I was surprised when I first heard that but thought that maybe the movie wasn't that explicit.
I was wrong.
The movie showed all kinds of stuff way not suitable for 13 year olds and under. A girl provokes sex by taking out her underpants and revealing her femal genitalia, they behead chickens that still walk despite the lack of a head, lots of blood, shooting of children, torture and police brutality, terrorism views, frontal nudity, drug and much much more. I personally don't fins any of them that disturbing, they were all used for the higher purpose and intent of the film, but for the MTCRB to allow little kids to see these in a film!? What were they thinking, an R-13 would have sufficed with me, but this shows just blatant ignorance on the part of the board. Oh yeah sure, "Da Vinci Code" was waaay too much for little kids but a movie with lots of nudity, drugs, killing and stuff are fine... right....
Overall I appreciated the movie and to an exctent enjoyed it as a film art. Emotionally I found it a bit depressing in mood with only a slight uplift at the end. But it isn't a classic, nor will it be. I see the reasone why it was nominated, maybe even for it's win in the golden globe Best Picture. It equally deserves its place in the Oscar Nomination. The win, however, I feel it still hasn't quite achieved.
8.3 Out of 10
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Random Poem
A Secret
By Evol
Eralced od i, redaer raed snoitalutargnoc!
Erab dial ev’ouy elddir elpmis siht ot rewsna eht
Terces a otni detsiwt niap a s’efil rof,
Terger ylerus evah ti dloheb ohw esoht.
Evlover sevil lla hcihw ot terces siht si tahw.
Evlos ot nam yna rof gnireffus hcum oot.
Od uoy wonk i dna rewsna eht wonk ot hsiw uoy fi,
Eulc lanif siht ot snoitcurtsni eht wollof tsuj.
Emag elttil ym rewsna ot desu ouy dohtem eht,
Eman s’rohtua elbmuh siht htiw oder uoy geb i.
By Evol
Eralced od i, redaer raed snoitalutargnoc!
Erab dial ev’ouy elddir elpmis siht ot rewsna eht
Terces a otni detsiwt niap a s’efil rof,
Terger ylerus evah ti dloheb ohw esoht.
Evlover sevil lla hcihw ot terces siht si tahw.
Evlos ot nam yna rof gnireffus hcum oot.
Od uoy wonk i dna rewsna eht wonk ot hsiw uoy fi,
Eulc lanif siht ot snoitcurtsni eht wollof tsuj.
Emag elttil ym rewsna ot desu ouy dohtem eht,
Eman s’rohtua elbmuh siht htiw oder uoy geb i.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
A Quick Jot
Had a shadow of a rest today. I had originally intended to sleep late, upto 9:00 (which is for me the equivalent of a normal person waking up at 1:00... I'm a morning person, so what, bite me.) But Anna texted me last night about this dubbing thing, which I groaned at initially. God when was the dubbing going to finish. This wasn't like the Everyman incident for sure, that time we had catastrophe as the entire dub was lost. This time we're a bit luckier as only a few bits were lost, but these are bits that just KEEP on getting lost. But what could I do, refuse to go? Of course I had to, so I woke at my usual time (7:00) instead. Hey, look at the birght side, I told myself, at least this wasn't like the 30+ times we had to dub for Chicago. For a few lines, we sure spent quite some time goign over it, hours at least. I then went to Dasma for the ball game, didn't do much, cept for the shots taken I'm going to use for the team site. By the time I got home, I was determined to get some rest to last me at least a week. Thank God for movies eh? Watched The Illusionist. It was great, I understand how it was nominated now for Best Cinematography. The acting was great, I always loved Edward Norton... but I feel Paul Giammati was brilliant, but true there was really no Oscar-worthy stuff, but it was devetn nonetheless. The ending was a bit predictable for my taste but oh well. After that was All the King's MEn. I had my a prehension, for a cast like that not o get into the Oscars, it might not be so good. But I was surprised, Sean Penn was brilliant as always and the movie was actually riveting, good enough to keep MY attention at least. Oh well until next time then :D
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Artistic Standstill
Yah, I've realized it quite some time now. I've been so busy with so many stuf this past year, I've barely touched my artworks. I got drwaings months old and my last Devart submission was ages ago. I can't even remember what was mylast complete work. I have got to get my artistic juices flowing if I'm to get back in the game, which I swear to you I will. I'm putting up some of my best artworks, the Superman/Batman thing is by far my most successful piece and I got this current untouched project, still I've barely improved at all for I don't know how long. It's kind of depressing, I've got lots to make up for, and I have to re-establish my Dev Art contacts soon... maybe in the summer...
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Is life really worth it?
Several events lead me to this question. The primary of which is me not passing UP. Yes, I ddin't pass UP, I passed La Salle and Ateneo bu no that one. I took Fine Arts, one of the more popular courses and despite my horrid grades I thought I'd give it a try. I was really hoping I'd make it, and the thing is I have absolutely no intention of ever studying there. Why would I care then? Maybe it's a matter of pride, but I think it's more to the case of proving to myself that I can beat the odds, no matter how great. But I couldn't, and that leads me wonder, "Will I ever?"
The second even to cause this realization was a tour to Enduran. Now that place was just... wow... If any school ever had both the audacity and the money to bribe their students while making it (seemingly) worth their while this is it. A 1.7 hectare campus made of Classic European architectual design, Millions of jobs available at graduation, a free P18,000 cellphone paid by the school, ability to study in either Switzerland or Spain, a great monthly Study-Now Pay-Later plan and the almost assured promise of getting rich, andI don't just mean rich- I mean fat, filthy, world-traveling, absolutely wealthy kind of rich. It was nearly impossible for me not to entertain the thought of actually going there. What would my life be if I did? I imagine my lifestyle and I have to say I ended up drooling, now that would have been a life I wouldn't mind. And the thing is, everyone will just have to admit it in this modern age, with enough money you could just about pursue any undertaking you wish, even your initial dream job.
So what's the point? The point is I'm now wondering if I made the right choice, If I indeed looked more to my heart than my mind. I chose mostly arts related courses, with the self-gratifying knowledge that once my skills arose to a certain level, I'll be able to attain a sustainable and satisfactory lifesyle. But maybe I'm just being a bit greedy, but for me, for my family, for my Chinese tradition, "satisfactory" just isn't enough. And even with the slight promise of a life of liesuire in the world of arts, it's slim compared to the booming 1.7 Trillion dollar industry of hotels or the millions produced in just about every business one thinks of. I sorely wish to be able to do what I love and make "a lot" of money at the same time, but I have to be realistic, and now I'm truly torn between the two as both seriously are things I really want. Call me idealistic, call me over-ambitious, call me greedy, call me anything you like. But I am more than everything else a confused teenager who doesn't know what to do in life.
In conclusion I guess it leads to that now. When I look at my life at school, all of a sudden a lot of things matter less, as if it finally dawned on me that in a few months nobody would give a damn in school about what I did and in a few years nobody would give a damn about me. So I'd be left where I started, alone, in a life so messed up at so late a period, I can no longer distinguish land from air. All these decisions, life-changing, life-breaking... all the fears, anxiety, all the clear pains and current ones... Is this really what life is gong to be like?
Because if it is, is it worth it?
The second even to cause this realization was a tour to Enduran. Now that place was just... wow... If any school ever had both the audacity and the money to bribe their students while making it (seemingly) worth their while this is it. A 1.7 hectare campus made of Classic European architectual design, Millions of jobs available at graduation, a free P18,000 cellphone paid by the school, ability to study in either Switzerland or Spain, a great monthly Study-Now Pay-Later plan and the almost assured promise of getting rich, andI don't just mean rich- I mean fat, filthy, world-traveling, absolutely wealthy kind of rich. It was nearly impossible for me not to entertain the thought of actually going there. What would my life be if I did? I imagine my lifestyle and I have to say I ended up drooling, now that would have been a life I wouldn't mind. And the thing is, everyone will just have to admit it in this modern age, with enough money you could just about pursue any undertaking you wish, even your initial dream job.
So what's the point? The point is I'm now wondering if I made the right choice, If I indeed looked more to my heart than my mind. I chose mostly arts related courses, with the self-gratifying knowledge that once my skills arose to a certain level, I'll be able to attain a sustainable and satisfactory lifesyle. But maybe I'm just being a bit greedy, but for me, for my family, for my Chinese tradition, "satisfactory" just isn't enough. And even with the slight promise of a life of liesuire in the world of arts, it's slim compared to the booming 1.7 Trillion dollar industry of hotels or the millions produced in just about every business one thinks of. I sorely wish to be able to do what I love and make "a lot" of money at the same time, but I have to be realistic, and now I'm truly torn between the two as both seriously are things I really want. Call me idealistic, call me over-ambitious, call me greedy, call me anything you like. But I am more than everything else a confused teenager who doesn't know what to do in life.
In conclusion I guess it leads to that now. When I look at my life at school, all of a sudden a lot of things matter less, as if it finally dawned on me that in a few months nobody would give a damn in school about what I did and in a few years nobody would give a damn about me. So I'd be left where I started, alone, in a life so messed up at so late a period, I can no longer distinguish land from air. All these decisions, life-changing, life-breaking... all the fears, anxiety, all the clear pains and current ones... Is this really what life is gong to be like?
Because if it is, is it worth it?
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Around two years ago, a friend and I were walking past the school bus. It was hot and sticky, and sweat had easily made me wish to get out of the place as quick as possible. My friend then turned to me and asked me about this girl he really liked.
"You know what, Kev? I think I'm in love."
The guy was 15, younger than me by a few months, I almost laughed at the thought. I told him back.
"Of course not! That's completely absurd!"
He just smiled and we walked it off, escaping from the exhaust fumes and the burning steam.
Now I get it, I think.
I liked her for how many, 7 years? I loved her the next 3.
I can't seem to be able to explain it, my mind is wrenched just as much as my heart. There used to be a time when I could easily strike up a conversation with her, have a friendly walk down the entrance street of the school. There used to be a time when it was so easy to make her smile, and when she did it was so easy to make me smile as well. Now I half-heartedly avoid her, mostly because she's been ignoring me. I don't know, but God knows I've tried to set things right, but every time I see her my entire mind blows up and I'm left a drooling shell once containg a sensibility I used to be so proud of. So many things I want to say to her, but the moment I started was the moment all the problems began, and now where am, half-wishing that she wouldn't be so great and wonderful and that once in a while she would so something so mean, so terrible, that I may finally stop loving her because of it. But I know she won't do that, I wouldn't love her if I know she would. So now I go through the days in self-repair, still a wreck no better than the day before. I sorely wish I could just instantly piock up the pieces again but that would take time, and a time with the provision of her not being anywhere in sight. Bu of course she always is, not because I see her everyday at school, but because I see her everytime I close my eyes. They should really start teaching people at school how not to think instead of the other way around, I'm sure even that would come in really helpful.
So that's a bacis gist I guess. In the end of the day, I'm boroken like I always am, telling ymself with a smile that I'd get over it. I would go to the bathroom, open the faucet, brush my teeth.
I'd look at myself in the mirror, face haggard and eyes sunk with more than just simple fatigue. "Look at what love is doing to me, can this really be love?"
Then to my surprise my reflection opened its mouth and answered.
"Of course not! That's completely absurd!"
"You know what, Kev? I think I'm in love."
The guy was 15, younger than me by a few months, I almost laughed at the thought. I told him back.
"Of course not! That's completely absurd!"
He just smiled and we walked it off, escaping from the exhaust fumes and the burning steam.
Now I get it, I think.
I liked her for how many, 7 years? I loved her the next 3.
I can't seem to be able to explain it, my mind is wrenched just as much as my heart. There used to be a time when I could easily strike up a conversation with her, have a friendly walk down the entrance street of the school. There used to be a time when it was so easy to make her smile, and when she did it was so easy to make me smile as well. Now I half-heartedly avoid her, mostly because she's been ignoring me. I don't know, but God knows I've tried to set things right, but every time I see her my entire mind blows up and I'm left a drooling shell once containg a sensibility I used to be so proud of. So many things I want to say to her, but the moment I started was the moment all the problems began, and now where am, half-wishing that she wouldn't be so great and wonderful and that once in a while she would so something so mean, so terrible, that I may finally stop loving her because of it. But I know she won't do that, I wouldn't love her if I know she would. So now I go through the days in self-repair, still a wreck no better than the day before. I sorely wish I could just instantly piock up the pieces again but that would take time, and a time with the provision of her not being anywhere in sight. Bu of course she always is, not because I see her everyday at school, but because I see her everytime I close my eyes. They should really start teaching people at school how not to think instead of the other way around, I'm sure even that would come in really helpful.
So that's a bacis gist I guess. In the end of the day, I'm boroken like I always am, telling ymself with a smile that I'd get over it. I would go to the bathroom, open the faucet, brush my teeth.
I'd look at myself in the mirror, face haggard and eyes sunk with more than just simple fatigue. "Look at what love is doing to me, can this really be love?"
Then to my surprise my reflection opened its mouth and answered.
"Of course not! That's completely absurd!"
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