5.) Jason Castro
I have to admit I was a bit charmed with him in the first few weeks. Sure his range seemed glue to the same spot, but his songs were natural and pleasant enough. But weeks upon weeks of that same baby-blue eyes and the same tone, this man is all about the same everything. And long after the charm's worn off, he is proving himself to be a man afraid of risks and a man afraid of trying to better himself, as seen in the latest Neil Diamond episode. Unfortunately I predict he'll be here a while, he's amassed quite a bit of a fan base for himself and until he really really messes up, he's ultimately safe, which is just about how every single one of his songs has been.
4.) Brooke White
If it was up to me, I'd put Brooke and Jason in the exact same spot. She has absolutely no range or flexibility in her songs whatsoever. What she does, those vulnerable and emotional songs, she does well enough, and I was pleasantly surprised for the first few performances. But like Jason she grows old way fast, and even her pleasant chirpy personality's wearing off. After several throwbacks at the judges, it's like revealing the serpent under the kitty skin. How she outlasted Carly, who has way more talent, is beyond me. It has also been apparent that for the last few weeks she has been slowly, but surely, been falling apart. Her rendition of "I'm a Believer" was just god awful. The only reason she barely edges out Jason is that she at least tries a bit of variety. I emphasize the "a bit" part, and trying it doesn't mean she pulls it off.
3.) Sayesha Mercado
Fortunately the trail of talent starts with Sayesha. I was instantly amazed at her performance in Hollywood week where despite losing her voice, she gave a commendable and brave performance. Although the novelty has worn of slightly with some female singers slowly edging her out, she has been solid at least as one of my favorite female performers. Now that she has found her calling at mixing in some theatrical flair in her performances, she has great opportunity to start climbing up that ladder fast. And the fact that major female rival Carly has been edged out. But judging by last week's popularity-based result, she might not even get the chance to start her "Dark Horse" race. If there was justice in the world, she should at least survive long enough to be given a chance at uprooting the two David's. And if not, well sadly it is no real surprise.
2.) David Archuletta
Neil said it perfectly. This man-- er boy, is a bit of a prodigy. At the tender age of seventeen, this kid has been singing songs way past the normal cut-off for that age. The maturity aside, he also has a kind, humble and pleasing personality that outlasts all the other Brooke/Jason crap. It shows too, with him having the hugest fanbase among all the Idols. But unlike Jason, he deserves it. His voice is incredible, and he has been fairly consistent with quality. While each performance is not always amazing, it never stoops to plain out bad. He is number two in this list, but that is mostly due to inexperience rather than anything else. He is also the only one among the Idols to have had at one point or the other made all three judges say that he was the man to beat in this competition. Now that's something.
1.) David Cook
I did not see this guy coming. With one David dubbed an early favorite and the other getting attention for all the wrong reasons, this David was shunned and overshadows for several weeks. With his amazing voice and flexibility I wonder why I didn't notice him before, I wonder why nobody noticed him before. But after spending a week in the bottom three, he has since upped his game and it shows. Every performance is a risk for him, with him changing the entire set-up to match his style, which is so far the most distinctive among the idols. Through sheer determination he has risen for "Nobody" to "Overshadowed" to "Dark Horse" and now to "Real Contender". The reason why he beats out the other David, whom I adore to hell, is that aside from some real kick-ass vocals, this man is fearless and every time he aims for the best he can bring on. While it may not always work, it is amazing when it does. And more than anything, he symbolizes what a recording artist should be like. He's a star already.
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