It has been going on for quite some time now, too long a time in fact. It's about time to I put in some thought on the topic, I mean now's a good a time as any now that both North Carolina and Indiana has released their respective exit poll results. In case there are those of you unaware, Obama draws closer by sweeping North Carolina 56% to Clinton's 42%. Hillary on the other hand just managed to squeeze a victory out of Indiana 51% to Obama's 49%. All this after what is undoubtedly the worst three weeks of Obama's campaign to be the Democratic Nominee for this November's Presidential Elections.
In case you haven't noticed as well, I support Obama. Well, I can't really support him, I'm not American. But I am rooting for him. Here's why.
Someone told me last week that he didn't care who among the two made it, they were basically the same no-result candidates. I contested that Obama was different, and he shrugged it off that he simply was a mere symbol of America's want for 'Change'. He has his own opinion, but in mine I believe he just gave what is the best possible reason on why Obama should be the next president. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start off with his two main opponents shall we?
Hillary Clinton is his immediate obstacle, and what an obstacle too. By no means is she an awful choice. All things considered, she's a damn pretty good one. She may represent the same old politics of her husband Bill, but she represents also years of experience and know-how, something we have to realize that Obama seriously lacks. She is active, a doer and for all her talk, it is true that she is a huge fighter. The fact that she is still struggling to wrestle the nomination from Obama this late in the game speaks wonders on her capabilities to lead the world's leading nation. She is fierce, tough and a woman. Trust me, that last one is a huge part. Not only would that mean a first, but it would represent a whole new way of how the government is run.
Then there's John McCain. At first sight, he is a very pleasant person, a smiling man who doesn't take himself too seriously. You would not imagine this was the same man who was captured and tortured back in Vietnam. He takes into this game a whole slew of experience despite his really old age (he would be the oldest president ever elected if he wins). Sure he may not physically stand strong, but by values he is tough. How tough? Bush tough. In fact, he is almost like a Bush clone, which can be a good or bad thing depending on where you stand on the whole Iraq issue.
Now on Obama. By all accounts it's not logical. He's a black man (face it, there's still racial discrimination no matter how you put it), he's young, he's inexperienced and people don't know anything about him. Who knows what figurative skeletons are hiding in his closet? So why is he doing so well? Well, for one thing, the man is a sensation. As Michael Moore put it, it's not as much about the 'candidate' but about the 'movement'.
He is all about Change. And in a world going down, or at least a nation, it is a word that tugs quite a lot of strings. People are tired, of war, of economic woes, of everything. And they want something else. You may scoff at the idea, but it's an idea so commonly ignored in most political contests. People focus on making things better, but this man is not about improvement, he's about a revolution of how things works. He is reinventing politics and it shows. People gather for his speeches, for his call. They flock to him, enchanted, and what's not to be enchanted about? The man is always presidential, and his speeches are damn well the most inspiring out there. Say what you want about him, but I also think he has the most outstanding principles out there. Look at it this way, for all his bickering with Clinton, he barely touched the dirty stuff. Clinton ravaged every one of his mistakes, from his Muslim relations all the way to his former drug use. And for all the deep dark things in Clinton's book, Obama hasn't bothered bringing up even one. And when things were looking bleak for Clinton, she lashed out every way she could at Obama's character, at his principles and at his credibility. Obama, more than anything, even when he was the potential loser, has always been all about the possibilities. He rarely attacked the other candidates so closely as to call to question their ability to run the country.
Before this I've never really been that interested in American Politics, but that's the charm of this 47- year old Catholic. He's almost like Kennedy back for another go. Young, idealistic and a determination to lead this nation to true change by the most solid values. Add in the fact that this neck-to-neck race has been absolutely thrilling. By now, it seems pretty obvious that Clinton should drop out, the numbers are just not feasible anymore, no matter how far you try to stretch it. It shows too, her victory speech (on her small victory) revealed a more weary vision of this fighter. Despite her ferocity, she should start realizing that a great leader should also know when she's beat. Because after today, it's pretty clear as it has been for the last few months, that she no longer stands a chance.
4.) Jason Castro
Let's face it. Castro was a mess tonight. It was almost like he was trying to convince everyone not to vote for him. For all his baby-blue eye appeal, nothing in the world can salvage the train wreck of both his performances. The firs was murder in the highest degree, eliciting from Simon one of this worst comments this season, "Atrocious". The second was slightly better the way a poke in the eyes is slightly more preferable than a kick in the balls. But then again, he did forget a part of the lyrics. It was like the collective bad karma of all the weeks he should have been booted have come back to collectively haunt him in a single night and hand him his ass. If there was any justice in the world, even the slightest mini-droplet, he would be gone tomorrow.
3.) Sayesha Mercado
2.) David Cook
1.) David Archuleta
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