Directed by Louis Leterrier Starring Edward Norton, Liv Tyler and William Hurt
Coming right at the heels of fellow Marvel hero Iron Man, the Hulk smashes into place, hoping in earnest to both make lots of greens and wash out the bad aftertaste left behind by the giant's previous outing.
It comes two-folds I suppose... with both the good and the bad news. The bad news is that it doesn't quit soar to the same standards as his iron-clad buddy, in fact it lacks much of what made Iron Man so stupendous. On the other hand, it beat himself up handily, well his Ang Lee version at least, and if put into the right perspective, the Hulk still manages up a solid, entertaining and, most importantly, an action-packed array of sequences (Take that, Ang Lee!)
You see, the main reason it doesn't soar the same heights as Iron Man lies in two huge factors- Robert Downey as Stark and the Hulk's pacing. The first one isn't its fault, but Robert Downey just beats Edward Norton handily. Not that Norton does not give in a good performance, in fact he gives in as good a performance as Bruce Banner as is possible, giving a good balance between torn fugitive, brilliant scientist and distraught lover. But Downey's turn as Stark is just much more fun to watch, and in a way it also lies down to the fact that Stark is a much more interesting AND irresistible character than Banner.
Also, while Iron Man's pacing was sleek, fast and smart, Hulk comes across as a forced melodrama and action bonanza every scene. This is not completely a bad thing, in fact it's for this reason that this movie rises above the normal superhero movie. But, it also is its worst factor, because I just can't shake off the feeling that the pacing of this movie is not only strange but also nagging.
Still, if one were to stop comparing it to its Summer brother, it still is one superior Superhero movie, and definitely a superior summer blockbuster. The cast is tremendously talented and well suit for their roles. The fanboys will be screaming from all the hidden easter eggs scattered all throughout. The action sequences are amazing and exactly what we were looking for the first time around. The story and film itself is not afraid to embrace itself in its entirety. Plus, the effects here are just amazing. While I was fairly impressed with the first Hulk, this version does not only wear darker shade for green or forgo the silly purple shorts, but it's also much darker in its look and realism. The vein and muscle details are just amazing.
What does this mean? It means Marvel just gave out its second hit in a row. If we keep this up we might actually have too much good superhero movies, which for years now I have never imagined possible. And I must admit, I'm as excited about this prospect as I am of the thought that I will one day rule the world (no... really, I will).
8 out of 10
Get Smart
"Get Smart gets it right. Get it? Get Smart- gets rig.. ah forget it."
Directed by Peter Segal Starring Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway, Dwayne Jhonson and Alan Arkin
This movie is a convoluted mess, utterly lost in its pacing and has a certain lack of dynamics in its angles. It is also incredibly funny, joyously light-hearted and undeniably entertaining. Oh how I hate this kind of movies, they never make writing reviews easy. Can't I just completely love or completely hate a movie again?
Well, there's little else to say about the bad stuff than what I just summarized in the previous paragraph. This movie is no masterpiece, and the fact is that it even has some jokes fall flat. It has a case of mistake identity that can't seem to decide whether its a mix of action and comedy, pure action or pure comedy. In turn it doesn't quite live up to the maximum effect of either on some parts that had sadly a lot of potential. On the other hand, it does give us what it set out to do in the first place.
This movie is highly entertaining, at least in most parts. Steve Carell remains a comedic natural and while Anne Hathaway may no longer be as stunning as when I first saw her, she is nonetheless adequate for her role. The movie follows the shenanigans of Agent Maxwell and his partner Agent 99. And the shenanigans can be quite a treat too, none of which could have been nearly half as entertaining had it not been for Steve.
With those points aside, what else can I really say about the movie? It does a pretty good job of being entertaining, avoids being sucky unlike some movies nowadays. For movies in general, thats mission accomplished and sadly something of a rarity. But in a summer season as volatile as this, it serves more as a refreshing snack before moving on to the next main course.
7 out of 10
Due to requests and complaints on the fact that I did not add the release dates on some of the movies I presented in my Summer Movie entry, I have decided to do so here. Yes, Bra, I'm looking at you. Hehe. Anyway...
June 27
July 3
Journey to the Center of the Earth
July 9
The Dark Knight
July 17
Mama Mia!
July 18
The Mummy: Tomb of the Emperor Dragon
July 30
You Don't Mess with the Zohan
August 6
August 13
X-Files: I Want to Believe
August 13
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
August 20
My Sassy Girl
August 20
Disaster Movie
August 27
Babylon A.D.
September 3
Hellboy 2: The Golden Army
September 10
Get Smart the name itself so sizzling. it made me laugh many times. but it was a really great movie.when I went to see this movie I was pleasantly surprised, I enjoyed the movie.Wanna watch this great movie then go ahead and Watch Get Smart Movie Free from here....