There I will be posting more personal and insightful things like my thoughts on life, god, politics, self, happenings around me, women, drugs and sex. Okay, maybe not those last three, but the others are a good start. Think of it as a personal Dear Diary for me while this one here is my babble on stuff you'd actually care to read about, like when will Transformers 2 release or is Lohan crazy or what?!
Anyway, here's some very quick reviews of four films I've just watched in the last couple of days.
17 Again

I saw the trailer expecting a complete trainwreck, cementing Zac Efron as a one hit wonder, a nameless member of a cast destined to disappear after their all too quick stop in the lime light. I thought this movie would suck. Well, consider me surprise to find out that, no, it did not suck. That's probably the best compliment this film will get out of me, though considering my bedrock low expectations, consider it a tremendous leap. Efron shows a hint of comedic talent and timing, perhaps a bit of promise that I did not see in any of the HMS flicks. Matthew Perry, sadly, is only around for such little time, it's disappointing to see how underrated the man is these days. The jokes range from amusing to being actually funny, though some of the romantic scenes between Zac and an older actress tends to be a bit too awkward for my taste. Nonetheless, I didn't have a bad time. In fact I had a decent time. It's not that you should go out and see this film, in fact it's perfectly alright to watch it from your room. But if you've got nothing else better to do at the mall, this isn't really that bad a choice of a film to spend an hour and a half on.
6.5 out of 10
Marley and Me

This movie is a sweet surprise, though is surprisingly lacking in actual laughs. The trailers showed this off to be a comedy but in reality, it's a sweet ballad to life, love, family and loyalty. It's a movie filled with so much honesty and optimism that goodie-tooshoes will eat it up. As a cynic and a critic, one might find the antics, the doggie drama and the melodramatic scenarios to be tedious and boring but dog-lovers will lap it up. People such as me. I'm not afraid to admit that I teared up in the end and that it is reminiscent of movies guys would hate because they love it. Still, it's a decent film that you should give a try.
7 out of 10
Monsters V.S. Aliens

I was totally hooked in Dreamwork's entry last year, Kung Fu Panda. It was the closest they ever got to Pixar, perhaps even a bit better than Pixar's lesser. Sure it was no Ratatouille or Wall-E or Finding Nemo, but it was good, and I'll be dammed if it wasn't gorgeous. So I was a bit disappointed that this year's entry was neither as beautiful or as heart-felt, but it's good nonetheless. Definitely better than the Ice Age and definitely a a good entry. It's hilarious and cute, a good animated film for sure. But I guess that's about it. Great fun in terms of entertainment, but in terms of value, isn't doing anything to further the art.
8 out of 10
Crank 2: High Voltage

Pure, unadultered, sick and stupid fun. It was completely impossible and for a large part of the first film, it made a complete fool of itself and that was why it was so popular. It's now wonder this movie did not show itself to critics, it seems impossible to think that any respectable critic worth his salt will say any kind word about this film. But then again, this is also the kind of movie that is critic-proof since it wasn't meant to be that kind of film. In fact it's meant to be the complete opposite and it does that extremely well. This is a testosterone filled ode to the idea of fun for guys maxed to the extreme. I cannot imagine any girl who might enjoy this movie and guys, there is no way in hell you should allow them to see this lewd, gross and one hell of a fun time. Still, after the first film this is starting to get tedious and I'm starting to think that is being to overstay it's welcome. Still if you guys are into this sort of thing then you might as well give it a shot.
6 out of 10
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