Sunday, May 4, 2008


"Robert Downey Jr. shines like gold in his metal suit"

Directed by Jon Favreau
Starring Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges and Terrence Howard

Iron Man is in a tough position, mostly because it has to meet my standards on two different levels. First off, it has to meet my expectations as a standard film, and secondly it has to meet it again as a Comic Book adaptation. It is to my extreme pleasure to announce that the movie pulls off both with flying colors beams of repulsor rays.

But before we get into any other aspect of the film, it is important for us to give credit first to the aspect of the film that is not only getting the most attention by the critics but without which the entire film would become a piece of scrap metal. I am talking, of course, about our star, Robert Downey Jr. As an actor portraying a character, he gives Tony Stark a perfect balance between brilliant scientist, irresponsible playboy and gold-hearted hero. Had it not been for Downey's brilliant portrayal, the delicate balance of Stark's character would shatter and we would be left with an asshole billionaire we end up not really caring about. Seriously, even the comics I have yet to see a representation of the character so perfectly executed as it was by Downey. I am left with the satisfied knowledge that until the day he dies, Downey will look to this role as his crowning achievement and people will look to him as the only man capable of spewing out Stark's witty lines so perfectly.

Moving on from Downey's amazing performance, we move on to Farveau's vision with the film, and how it stands up on its own. Already mentioned is how perfectly the character of Stark is done, we have to add in the other characters. And while none of them stand a chance of outshining Downey, it's his film through and through, they all give unique quirky supporting roles that flesh out this new Marvel world slowly being created. On that note, it is to a fanboy's delirious joy that they crafted a world so attuned to its comic basis. From the hints to a future Avenger collaboration all the way to the inclusion of a popular government agency, this movie is a drug ride for any respectable comic fan.

Not to say that the movie isn't awesome for non-fans. I suppose it is no shock to know that the movie boasts some pretty cool visuals. And while none of them are breath-takingly new or ground-breaking, their execution from Stark's high-tech computer system named 'Jarvis' all the way to his astonishing suit, they are carefully used to give out moments after moments of "Oh Damn!" Still, the movie is not without it's flaws, the ending itself for example is a bit too hastily wrapped up for my taste. The pacing is steady and ends in breakneck speed, with the action and the characterization balanced well.

Take note that while this movie is indeed an origin movie, exploring the start of Iron Man, it is also unlike any other Superhero origin movie so far. It has the same giddy and childlike mirth of Spiderman, but shows it in the mature sense of Batman Begins. It is hard to put at it, mostly because no superhero appeals to that sense more than Iron Man and no movie has yet to execute that sense to this extent.

In conclusion, Iron Man is a joy to behold. Whether you're a fan of in-depth characterization of your beloved hero, witty remarks thrown to and fro, amazing visual action or just plain out excellent story telling, this movie gleams like diamond in the golden casing of Iron. Tony Stark may not be as big a name as Peter Parker, Clark Kent or Bruce Wayne, but Downey makes damn well sure that people will start remembering who the man is behind that Iron Mask. The only other downside to all this is that for all the awesomeness the movie displays in its two-hour run, enough is never enough. It's rare for a movie to have you actually all and out screaming for a sequel the moment the credits roll. Now if you'll excuse me, let me pick out everyone's favorite Black Sabbath tune...



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